Discover the power of community & connection

Healing happens in relationship. Come on in.

Sol (Connection) Center is the heart of a thriving community that offers healing, connection and recovery support to any human striving toward better living. We are a non profit entity partnering with Sol Yoga Studio & Better Living Housing to offer a holistic intentional healing communities.


Sol Center Offerings:


daily / Weekly Gatherings

No need to sign up, just drop-in! Donations accepted in person. Unless you see an *, all events are held at 256 West Patrick St, Frederick, MD

  • Daily (M-Sat) 6:30am - Awakening Morning Practice (check for details)

  • Monday’s 5:30pm Emotional Sobriety/Flexibility

  • Tuesday’s 9-10:15am Meditation & Yoga for Recovery* (located in garage studio)

  • Tuesday’s 4-7pm - Community Acupuncture, please sign up here ahead of time

  • Wednesdays at 5:30pm - Meditation & Yoga for Recovery

  • Wednesdays at 7:30pm - Heart of Recovery Meditation & Discussion

  • Thursday’s at 7pm - Men’s 12 Step Recovery Group (see for details)

  • Friday’s at 7:30am - CODA (Co-dependents Anonymous) 12 Step Recovery Group

  • Saturday’s at 4:30pm - Brave / Creative Space** (Creative Space held at Y Arts Center)

  • Sunday’s at 4:15pm - Financial Sobriety

  • Sundays 5-7pm - Community Dinner & ‘Home Groups’ - Text for location

  • YOGA CLASSES OFFERED DAILY - To sign up, go to MindBody Online - Sol Yoga, or email us at


Residential co-housing is available to members of our community. We have about 18 beds available. but vacancy varies. If you are interested, we ask that you attend a variety (at least 10) of the events above and get to know us in person. If you are still interested, ask how to schedule and interview. For further information, please text 301.788.5154.


No one is truly free from addiction

We understand that to be human is to suffer. No one is truly free of addiction, whatever form of attachment it may present itself. Whether we become attached to people, food, exercise, alcohol, drugs (prescription or illicit), technology, money, we all have the opportunity to allow healthy coping mechanisms to slip into “bad habits.” When we continue to overuse these coping methods, even when it negatively effects our wellbeing, our 'bad habit' has transformed to an 'addiction'.  At Sol Center, we have all felt the need to recover a healthier balance.  Everyone has their own reasons for getting here, it might be a rough life, a major loss, chronic stress, low self esteem, physical challenges, poor mental health, etc…, at Sol Center, we believe that the root of all these problems is dis-connection.  

Modern day science and wisdom traditions show us that the only way out, is through.

There is more than one WAY to recoverY

Recovery from attachment and addiction comes when we are able to regain our inherent and optimal mental, physical and emotional health. At Sol Center, we are expert teachers, healers, and recovery mentors from a variety of different backgrounds. From a blend of yoga and meditation classes with the 12 Steps of Recovery®, you can join us for structured support in the form of classes, residential co-housing, mentorship and support groups, Other fun community events include hikes, bowling, ice skating and even open-mic nights!

Email us for more information: