Yoga for Stress & Trauma Informed Yoga

Few are immune to some level of trauma. Even just short boughs of stress and worry can leave us feeling depleted and disoriented in our lives. And if this is chronic, or you have experienced an acute trauma, our bodies have a beautiful capacity to hold - tension, thoughts, feelings and emotions. Through the process of yoga, we can begin to untangle the useful from the harmful and free ourselves of limiting physical, mental and emotional patterns. “Neuroscience research shows that the only way we can change the way we feel is by becoming aware of our inner experience and learning to befriend what is going inside ourselves.” 
― Bessel A. van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma


yoga for stress

Whether you’ve had a rough day, your doctor has recommended yoga for stress relief or you have experienced an acute trauma, our supportive and well trained teachers will gently guide you. Look on our schedule below for classes called YOGA FOR STRESS, offered several times per week. Feel free to register online or just come into the studio 10-15 minutes before class and we’ll take care of you. No previous experience needed.


Private sessions

Shelley, one of Sol’s leading Trauma Informed Yoga teacher and teacher trainers, has been working with trauma survivors for much of her life. She is experienced, educated and passionate about Trauma Informed Yoga and always happy to support groups, or individuals in their healing. If a private session might suit your needs better than a group class, email us to set up a private session with Shelley, or one of our trauma trained teachers.


Trauma Informed yoga teacher training

Become certified to teach yoga through a trauma informed lens with Sol’s seasoned teachers, educators and therapists.